"HUCKLEBERRIES are IDAHO'S and MONTANA'S PURPLE GOLD!" My husband told me this 40 years ago. He said if you pick them you know their worth, if you buy them you pay dearly and when you eat them you are in heaven! Enjoy our wonderful HUCKLEBERRY bounty... we love sharing our delightful "Purple Gold!" with you! Marla - Thank you for supporting our small family business!

Huckleberry Jam - All Natural, Organic Ingredient Deliciousness

All Natural, All Fruit, Huckleberry Medley Jam

Larchwood Farms All Fruit--NO SUGAR ADDED! Wild Montana Huckleberry Medley Jam that just yells BERRY! Made of Wild Montana/Idaho Huckleberries, Oregon Marionberries and Red Raspberries, and Organic all fruit concentrate - apple and pear sweetener--no artificial sweeteners! This All Fruit Huckleberry Medley Jam is berry delicious and a wonderful jam for the health conscious person or diabetics.

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